Friday, May 24, 2013

So here's another attempt at blogging... Again

After a prolonged break, I figure, I ought to get back to blogging, posting my views on "stuff" on the net. I planned on doing this back in 2010 (yeah 3 years ago!), only to get one post in, after.... 1 whole month of resolving to blog again. Anyways, hopefully this time it works out better.

After starting off trying to get my blog to show up on Google for my name (i.e. the term Deepu Nair), in 2010 I was able to get it to rank 2 without much effort, see it here. After slacking off for 3 years, it's down to Rank 9 as you can see down here: (Click on it to enlarge)

Lessons to be learned here vis-à-vis this development:
  • Don't slack off
  • Post more regularly, keep content fresh for search engines to be able to find you
  • And to type the "à" (a with accent grave, used it for "vis-à-vis" three lines up): the windows alt code is ALT+0224. A list of foreign characters in windows can be found here:  Penn State foreign characters site
I'll try to resurrect this blog with some interesting posts for you all. 

This design's also getting kind of old, so a design update may also be on the cards, so stay posted.

P.S.: None of the guys in the photos below this blog is me!

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